Your Guide to the Archangels.
An angel can be your best friend. Angels have been known respond to prayers that contain the phrase "Hey, somebody, anybody up there HELP!!!" but they come quickest when addressed politely by their Christian names. Like a friend, as opposed to a servant, an angel also doesn't like to be bossed around. Angels are to be treated like guests who are invited into your heart...like most guests they tend to leave or ignore environments that are filled with aggression, anxiety anger and hostility. So before you call on an angel, it is important to meditate, and picture your own heart as a soft, tender and heavenly place ... a place you'd want to visit if you were a astral being. So before you call on an angel to do you a favour, it is important to meditate and maybe light a candle that is attractive to that particular being. So the first thing you must do, when you call upon an angel, is prepare your heart to receive its presence. Speak the angel's name out loud. Talk to the angel like you would a treasured friend .. not like a withholding parent or an evil fairy that won't grant your wish. Don't demand immediate gratification and don't be so rude as to interrupt if you start to hear a message. If you are silent, respectful, fervent and loving, an angel will always give you the answer you need to solve your problem. You wouldn't ask a plumber to fix your car, so it is important to know which archangel is best at fixing which kind of problem. Each angel has a job, and exist on astral planes that correspond to different light rays. Make your request specific, and visualize what you would like if you can, but don't be attached to the outcome. Angels are agents of the Lord and like God, they work in mysterious ways...
Here is the list of the Seven Archangels,their functions and corresponding light rays:

The Archangel Michael is the Angel of Protection and corresponds to the colour blue.Practically, you can ask him and his legions for protection from any kind of physical danger, accidents and attacks of all kinds including traffic accidents, stalkers, robbers, as well as protection from astral attacks, witchcraft and the evil eye. Spiritually he can help restore your faith in God and free you from fear and self-doubt. He also protects soldiers and the leaders of government.

The Archangel Jophiel is the Angel of Illumination and corresponds to the colour yellow.This angel can help free you and loved ones from addictions, improve your memory, help you pass tests and retain information and knowledge. Spiritually he can help you connect with your higher self and show you the way when it comes to make difficult decisions. This is the angel who exposes secrets and lies and helps fight pollution on the planet.

The Archangel Chamuel is the Angel of Love and corresponds to the colour pink.
This is the angel of compassion, mercy, forgiveness and understanding. This angel helps you repair damaged relationships and make new friends. Pray to this angel if you need to find a lost object or find a new job. Chamuel's pink ray can also help dissolve feelings of self-condemnation, guilt and low self esteem.

The Archangel Gabriel is the Angel of Guidance and corresponds to the colour white.
This angel can help you organize and streamline your life, as well as provide you with advice to your education and career. This is also the angel you pray to if you need a item for your home, such as a stove or a fridge. Spiritually, Gabriel helps you find your life purpose and replaces feelings of discouragement with joy and fulfilment.

The Archangel Raphael is the Angel of Healing and corresponds to the colour green.
Raphael is responsible for the healing of body, mind, soul and spirit and can help put your daily bread on the table. Pray to Raphael when you are in need of clothing, food or shelter. Raphael can also help your doctor make the right decision and aspiring musicians make beautiful music. Spiritually, this angel repairs broken spirits and helps you accept the truth.

The Archangel Uriel is the Angel of Peace and corresponds to the colours purple and gold.
Uriel resolves all problems in personal, social and professional relationships and helps to create harmony in your life. He is the angel of nurses, doctors, counsellors and teachers. He can help you to let go -- of bitterness and resentments. He renews hope in hearts that have lost faith. He is also the angel who manifests divine justice in courtrooms.